I cannot believe that I managed to get an app deployed using Kamal. Some logical, but not too onerous, steps - and surprisingly only 1 (one) issue to resolve. Awesome.
A reminder…. Ruby Brighton tickets return to “normal” pricing (which is still super cheap for what you experience) this coming Friday. Last years conference was bleeping brilliant, don’t miss out and save some money.
How to ruin my mood.
Enter….. surprise eBay zero feedback user bidding on a docking station I need.
It’s alive!
Now to figure which dongles I’m missing - and how expensive they’re going to be - in order to update the device with my laptop. Firewire to USB-C anyone?
Kagi search update.
Day 2, living with the Pro Plan.
I’m loving how it just seems to work. No ads. Just results. Search is good again.
Has anyone tried the Kagi search engine? I recently signed up for the - bit too short - trial and found the search results to be very good, fast and very clearly presented. I’ve used my free search quota so I’m at that point where I either forget about it or pay. Any thoughts? Suggestions? #kagi
I’ve gone and bought a Raspberry Pi 500 for my workshop. I am fed up walking my laptop too and fro the house in the rain.
Asking Pi owners…. Do you have any recommendations for best desktop environment?
It’s mainly for Internet Browser use, likely Firefox but again recommendations appreciated.
I’m sorry but I had to share.
Please forgive me.
Does anyone have any good recomendations for CAD/Modelling software for Raspberry Pi?
(Pi 4)
Ignore the “click bait-y” headline. I thought the article was pretty on point.
“The one way I know a team is in trouble”
Top tip. When cleaning you Apple AirPod Max ear covers…… be gentle.
I continue to be amazed by China. It doesn’t seem to matter which area/topic, China seems to be living their own Moores Law.
“Luckin Coffee, a Chinese brand that started seven years ago, now generates more revenue in the country than Starbucks. It has nearly three times as many stores, and opens a new one, on average, every hour.”
My umphy Belkin USB charger has gone missing. I can only assume that someone has sneaked into the house and stolen it.
Things I like and enjoy about The Royal Opera House, London. 1] The foyer, comfortable tables and seats that you can work from; 2] The foyer, very good coffee; 3] The clientele, “normal” people you’re able to talk to; 4] The toilets, think…. clean and able to do ones business in peace.
Rest in peace.
#3dPrinting #Elegoo
I guess they couldn’t bear to see it chopped up for fire wood.
So this weekend I was supposed to be visiting The Sanjay Mortimer RepRap Festival (SMRRF) 2024 - 3D printing Festival in Manchester.
Considering I bought my ticket about 9 months ago you’d think I was all organised. Turns out a day return train fare is £240, giving me approx 7 hours in Manchester. If only I’d booked my train ticket when I bought the event ticket.
Anyhow instead…. the wife and I are going to drive to Bruges and mooch around the Christmas Market. £99 for a return ferry ticket and not forgetting the 5 bazillion Brownie Points.
#SMRRF #3dPrinting
I just need to get this off my chest.
Fine Vertical Artefacts. NOT…. Vertical Fine Artefacts.
I am triggered every time I read or hear someone say VFA. 😫
You can read why here.…
Now I’ve said it I feel better already.
#3dPrinting #FVA
I’m disappointed. Re-reading the Prusa Core One description I realise the chamber is not heated; like the Bambu X1C it uses the heat bed to heat the chamber. Somehow I really thought it was heated. Oh well, the Qidi Plus 4 looks more enticing each day.
#Prusa #3dPrinting
For a while now I’ve been getting Heat Bed errors on my Bambu X1C.
I ordered up a replacement Heatbed Signal Cable and a Heatbed Sensor Interface Board. I figured given the number of steps involved with replacing the cable I should also replace the board - just in case.
Well I performed the operation this afternoon and the key takeaway - the thing I wish I’d know before hand - was……
Once you’ve removed the signal cable, before you begin putting it all back together again…. thread the signal cable through this hole first in the direction of rear to front. It’ll be 1 million times easier that attempting this once the bed is in place and everything is tighter. The Bambu Wiki has you perform this at step 17, going from front to rear. Big mistake. Huge mistake. Perform this after step 12, going rear to front.
#3dPrinting #BambuX1C
TIL - I can run multiple instaces of Bambu Studio v1.10. I’m guessing this has been the case for some time but oh my I really wish I’d known this sooner.
#3dPrinting #BambuStudio
I am so tempted by the new Prusa Core One.
#3dprinting #prusa #prusacoreone
Example. #35 in the Top Paid games - “Metro Exodus”.
Last updated 3 years ago. Most of the reviews are 2 years old with a common theme that it doesn’t play on a new M1 Pro. If the game has not been updated for 3 years, and, it doesn’t play - how can it still be #35 in the chart!